Friday 12 July 2013

Comfort Zone vs Uncharted Territories

Often we have this debate within ourselves and with the society. One won't swallow in the reality bites until such a choice dawns upon them to choose between the two.

Well, this post might not give any conclusion but an attempt at analysis of the two. Here we are primarily talking  about the major part of our lives, the Work (Karma)

Comfort Zone:
Its not sad, not bad, its pretty relaxed. One is supposed to have a peace of mind. If not making big bucks, he or she is also not begging for money. Happy to be in a pre-retirement life before retirement (I am trying hard not to be biased in my analysis..but the sarcastic in me, is making the write up difficult :) ).

Uncharted Territory:
Its risky, its a pain, in absence of it there is no gain. It takes a spine of character to bring yourself to an idea of change and the courage to make this idea a possibility. Leaving behind your years of earned credibility and moving on to a new place, to newer work and even more new faces is not an easy task.
Yes, it can backfire. It can sabotage your immediate plans. But that's the worst of it. In long run, your decision will always pay off. You might ask why, for the simple reason, that you will be following the fundamental law of Nature "Change,Grow,Succeed".

Being in Comfort Zone is like being eaten by termites, with due course of time, it will create a hole, hole in your confidence, dreams and aspirations, will caught you unaware. And One fine day, during the test of time you will fall, fall like a house of cards.
Embarking upon new horizons, challenges, goals will feed your karmic soul, will nurture and cement your foundation of beliefs. People might say, change can also be negative, while the matter of the fact is that change is never bad, its inevitable. While your wisdom, sensibilities and destiny plays along, you will reach your goal, it will never be too long.

Neither Sunlight stays back, Nor Darkness lasts long!!
Move ahead with a Voyager spirit, singing the Nature's song!!

Monday 23 July 2012

When you have in excess, charity is not an option, let the deserving earn it.

When you have earned something, but of-course rightfully, and you have it in excess, charity is not an option, let the deserving earn it. As it is there is no deed in this world that can be treated as a selfless good deed. Yes we are selfish, and lets be proud to be. Even the Evolution Theory suggests - Survival of the Fittest, then why interfere, corrupt and play with the rules, oh so religiously, set by the God himself. The Whole world , including every specie, flora N fauna , swear by this policy, then why not the human species. 
Today  the mantra is Survival of the SmartAss. The question arises until when. There would be a saturation point where the talent will be cornered and sycophants shall rule. Content shall go missing, when the packaging will lay bare. Soon the lobbyists will fall short of the 'talented but naive' escape goats, who until now have been rowing their boats. Reservation in education system, Red Tape in legislation, Bureaucracy in top notch Organizations is pointing towards an embarrassing end. 
Even a Tigress, however capable she might be, will never spoon feed her offspring. The most caring of the Lioness', will get her kids a loaf of meat , but then let the siblings fight for their own share. The most deserving gets the largest piece. But the complex, chauvinistic, suicidal human nature wont let its conscious buy the simplest of the facts. We will let others to step on our shoulders, in anticipation to incur larger favors in return of our so-called charity and thus the vicious circle continues to roll, while the genuine guy ,choked to death, pays the undeserved toll. 

The Atlas will shrug down under the burden of mediocre herd, future will seek a leader to run the motor of this earth. Hands will not raise and cries might stay unheard, if the present prevails, these are my ideas put forth in simplest words.

Saturday 16 June 2012

After all its a path of fire to tread

Vriksh hoN bhale khade,
hoN ghane hoN bade,
Ek patra chhaNh bhi
maang mat, maang mat, maang mat,
Agnipath, Agnipath, Agnipath.

Tu na thakega kabhi
tu na thamega kabhi
tu na mudega kabhi,
Kar shapath, Kar shapath, Kar shapath,
Agnipath, Agnipath, Agnipath.

Ye Mahaan Drishya hai,
Chal raha Manushya hai,
Ashru, swed, rakta se
Lathpath Lathpath Lathpath..
Agnipath, Agnipath, Agnipath.

-Harivansh Rai Bachchan

I salute to the man who has so beautifully voiced the words of the Almighty. It feels like God himself has stretched his hand to the kid, whispering to him, "What you have done until is nothing, You are capable to do more, You are worth much much more."  

Saturday 9 June 2012

Life is a Dance

Life is a Dance, moves that I observe, I learn,I invent, I innovate, I improvise.
You ask me to dance it again, I bet no step would ever be same.

Monday 19 March 2012

Kick Starting with 20th March

A Date to remember not because of any occasion or event, but something tells me, it would mark the future ones for just keeping this post as a bookmark.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Not Just Yet

Kicks and Sticks, Crunches and Punches,
I have been enduring all,
I won't complain, not just yet, as with every passing moment I am feeling strong.

The feel of Empowerment, 
The heal of Righteousness,
Has Kept my head high,
My back is hurt, but i am standing tall, got a tough spine.

If Destiny is trying hard to pull me down,
I will try harder, am not giving up,
Not Just Yet.

Strength,will,Ambition and Positivity,
beat that if you can, I will be back with a bang!!!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

The Karmic Kick

They say you can't escape the karmic kick, what you do today is what you get back tomorrow. But it takes 360 degrees turn in some cases where you suffer now for the wrongs you are about to do in future. So God please bring it on as I promise to play it along. #myPhilosophy